vBulletin Test Script
connection_resource ? $obj : false); case 'mysqli': $obj = @new mysqli($host, $user, $password, $dbname); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { $db_connection_error = mysqli_connect_error(); return false; } return $obj; } } } class mysql { var $connection_resource = NULL; function mysql($host = '', $username = '', $password = '', $db = '') { global $db_connection_error; $this->connection_resource = @mysql_connect($host, $username, $password); if (!$this->connection_resource) { $db_connection_error = mysql_error(); } @mysql_select_db($db, $this->connection_resource); } function query($statement) { $result = @mysql_query($statement, $this->connection_resource); if (is_resource($result)) { return new mysql_result($result); } else { return $result; } } function close() { $result = @mysql_close($this->connection_resource); $this->connection_resource = NULL; return $result; } } class mysql_result { var $result = NULL; function mysql_result($result) { $this->result = $result; } function fetch_array() { return @mysql_fetch_array($this->result); } } function test_ini_set($setting, $value) { $result = @ini_set($setting, $value); if ($result === false OR $result === null) { return false; } else { return $result; } } //initalise variables dont want any XSS in our test script :) $e_test = array(); $test = array(); $version = array(); $e_error = 0; $error = 0; if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['help'])) { $tested = false; $type = addslashes(strtolower($HTTP_GET_VARS['help'])); $help = array(); $help['php'] = 'Your PHP Version is too low to support vBulletin 3, you must at least upgrade to 4.3.3.'; $help['mysql'] = 'Your MySQL version is too low to support vBulletin 3, you must at least upgrade to 4.0.16.'; $help['pcre'] = 'vBulletin requires PCRE to be enabled in PHP, ask your host to enable this in php.ini'; $help['magic_quotes_runtime'] = 'magic_quotes_runtime should be off for optimal performance, ask your host to change this in php.ini'; $help['magic_quotes_gpc'] = 'magic_quotes_gpc should be off for optimal performance, ask your host to change this in php.ini'; $help['magic_quotes_sybase'] = 'magic_quotes_sybase must be off for vBulletin to work correctly, ask your host to change this in php.ini'; $help['open_basedir'] = 'You may experience problems with uploading files to vBulletin'; $help['safe_mode'] = 'You may experience problems with uploading files to vBulletin'; $help['gzip'] = 'vBulletin uses GZIP to compress pages, though this is not essential for operation'; $help['mysql'] = 'vBulletin requires that the mysql username has create, select, update, insert, delete, alter and drop privledges, contact your host and ask them to adjust these privledges.'; $help['xml'] = 'XML is required as a major component of vBulletin for data storage of languages, settings and templates.'; $help['gd'] = 'GD functions are used to produce images, this includes features such as thumbnails and image verification on registration'; $help['pcre.backtrack_limit'] = 'PHP 5.2.0 imposes a limit on PCRE code that we are unable to work-around on this server. Ask your host to add the following to php.ini:
pcre.backtrack_limit = -1'; echo ''; echo ''; } elseif (empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['server']) or empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['user']) or empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['db'])) { $tested = false; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } else { $tested = true; //PHP $version['PHP'] = phpversion(); if (version_compare($version['PHP'], '4.3.2', '<=')) { $e_test['PHP'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $e_test['PHP'] = 1; } $db = DB::fetch_db((function_exists('mysqli_connect') ? 'mysqli' : 'mysql'), $HTTP_POST_VARS['server'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['user'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['pass'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['db']); //MySQL if(!$db) { $e_test['MySQL'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $vquery = $db->query('SELECT VERSION() AS version'); $mysql = $vquery->fetch_array(); $version['MySQL'] = $mysql['version']; if (version_compare($version['MySQL'], '4.0.15', '<=')) { $e_test['MySQL'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $e_test['MySQL'] = 1; } } $mysql = array(); //Now all those MySQL Permissions: Create, Drop, Alter, Select, Update, Delete $query = 'CREATE TABLE vb3_test ( test int(10) unsigned NOT NULL )'; if (!$db OR !$db->query($query)) { $mysql['create'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $mysql['create'] = 1; } if (!$db OR !$db->query('ALTER TABLE vb3_test CHANGE test test VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL')) { $mysql['alter'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $mysql['alter'] = 1; } if (!$db OR !$db->query('INSERT INTO vb3_test (test) VALUES ('abcd')')) { $mysql['insert'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $mysql['insert'] = 1; } if (!$db OR !$db->query('UPDATE vb3_test SET test=123 WHERE test='abcd'')) { $mysql['update'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $mysql['update'] = 1; } if (!$db OR !$db->query('SELECT * FROM vb3_test WHERE test=123')) { $mysql['select'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $mysql['select'] = 1; } if (!$db OR !$db->query('DELETE FROM vb3_test WHERE test=123')) { $mysql['delete'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $mysql['delete'] = 1; } if (!$db OR !$db->query('DROP TABLE vb3_test')) { $mysql['drop'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $mysql['drop'] = 1; } if ($db) $db->close(); //Perl Compatibly Regular Expressions if (!function_exists('preg_replace')) { $e_test['PCRE'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $e_test['PCRE'] = 1; } // GD if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { $test['GD'] = 1; $version['GD'] = '2.x'; } else { $test['GD'] = 0; $error++; } //Open Base Dir check if (get_cfg_var('open_basedir') == '') { $test['open_basedir'] = 1; } else { $test['open_basedir'] = 0; $error++; } //Safe Mode if (get_cfg_var('safe_mode') == '') { $test['safe_mode'] = 1; } else { $test['safe_mode'] = 0; $error++; } //GZIP if (function_exists('crc32') and function_exists('gzcompress')) { $test['GZIP'] = 1; } else { $test['GZIP'] = 0; $error++; } //Magic Quotes if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { $test['magic_quotes_runtime'] = 0; $error++; } else { $test['magic_quotes_runtime'] = 1; } } else { $test['magic_quotes_runtime'] = 1; } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { @ini_set('magic_quotes_gpc', 0); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $test['magic_quotes_gpc'] = 0; $error++; } else { $test['magic_quotes_gpc'] = 1; } } else { $test['magic_quotes_gpc'] = 1; } if (get_cfg_var('magic_quotes_sybase') != '') { ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase', 0); if (get_cfg_var('magic_quotes_sybase') != '') { $e_test['magic_quotes_sybase'] = 0; $e_error++; } else { $e_test['magic_quotes_sybase'] = 1; } } else { $e_test['magic_quotes_sybase'] = 1; } //XML if (function_exists('xml_set_element_handler')) { $e_test['XML'] = 1; } else { $e_test['XML'] = 0; $e_error++; } //PCRE BACKTRACK if (version_compare($version['PHP'], '5.2.0', '>=') AND test_ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', -1) === false) { $test['pcre.backtrack_limit'] = 0; $error++; } else { $test['pcre.backtrack_limit'] = 1; } echo ''; foreach ($e_test AS $type => $result) { echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; } if ($db_connection_error) { echo ''; echo ' '; echo ''; } echo ''; foreach ($mysql AS $type => $result) { echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; } echo ''; foreach ($test AS $type => $result) { echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; } echo ''; } ?>
' . $type . ' Help
' . $help["$type"] . '
MySQL Information
MySQL Server
MySQL Database
MySQL Username
MySQL Password
Essential vBulletin Requirements
' . $type . '' . (!isset($version["$type"]) ? '' : $version["$type"]) . '' . iif($result, 'Pass', 'Fail') . '
Database Connection Error:  ' . $db_connection_error . '
MySQL Permission Requirements
' . $type . '' . iif($result, 'Pass', 'Fail') . '
Recommended Settings (Optional)
' . $type . '' . (!isset($version["$type"]) ? '' : $version["$type"]) . '' . iif($result, 'Pass', 'Fail') . '
Overall Result:' . iif($e_error, 'Fail', 'Pass') . '
vBulletin should run on your system without any errors

'; } elseif ($e_error == 0) { echo '

vBulletin should run on your system though there may be reduced functionality, click the link(s) above for more information

'; } else { echo '

vBulletin will not run on your system, please click the link(s) above for more information.

'; } } /*======================================================================* || #################################################################### || # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 16331 $ || #################################################################### *======================================================================*/ ?>



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